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(Anmerkung von Oliver Klöver)

(Weiter unten findet Ihr die der Email von Dominique
vorhergehende und nachfolgende Email von Harald Gärttner)

Email von Dominique deCoster

Hi Harald,

I spoke to AnneBritt over the phone and she is ok with all the rules changes we have proposed. She is going to send me soon a revised version.

We also discussed the wildcard. In our interpretation of the rules the Wildcard belongs to the organising federation which means you. In no case it is a WRRC right.

See ya,


Vorhergehende Email von Harald Gärttner

Dear Dominique,

I checked the "old rules" about the wildcard regulations (we talked about this in Landsberg):

"A maximum of four couples may start for each nation and age group. In each age group the respective defending Champion and the organizer shall have one wild card each."

This in my opinion means that a absolut maximum of five couples (+ the World Champion) can start for each country. But the term "organizer" is not clear. Does it mean the organising country or does it mean the organising club or organisation. This should be clarified in the new rules because it is important for the "German R'R and Boogie Woogie Federation (DRBV)" to know how many couples they can send to the WC. And it is also important for Marcus and Baerbl to decide if they have to participate in the two coming qualification competitions in Germany. In the first case the wildcard is in decision of the "DRBV" in the second case it is in the decision of the WRRC. The second case could mean that the organiser has the ability to give this wildcard to a non-german couple!


Nachfolgende Email von Harald Gärttner

Dear Dominique,

thanks for that information.

You know that I personally are not to happy to have Lindy Hop (Savoy Style) and Hollywood Style in one competition called Lindy Hop World Championship. Especially because our national policy is different to give us the possibility to clearly split Boogie Woogie and Lindy Hop in two unique competition styles. Which means that our national and the international rules are not the same in some main parts. You may remember our discussion at the beach on Catalina. ;-)

But if the international policy is different we (this includes me) have to accept this for international competitions.

This is also (and especially) valid for our judges. To be a good judge means to judge on the valid rules and not on personal opinions or different national rules! Those persons who will be recommended as german judges will judge only on the official international rules.

I tell you this because you may hear about our national policy (as mentioned above) - but this will never and in any kind influence the judgement on the official rules for the world championship.
